How Do You Get Rid Of Heartburn

How Do You Get Rid of Heartburn?

What Is Heartburn?

There are times when you feel a slight hiccup with a burning sensation in your chest and throat after having a greasy, spicy meal. If this has happened to you, you might know it’s called heartburn. It can occur due to the foods you eat, especially acidic foods, or you could have a chronic condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Whatever the reason, heartburn can make you feel uncomfortable.

However, a few simple solutions can make it all go away or at least soothe the burn. Moreover, addressing the issue of acid reflux, of which heartburn is the main symptom, can help you deal with the problem. Today, you will learn more about these natural ways by which you can reduce heartburn.

15 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Heartburn

Since heartburn is a minor problem, it usually goes away just as quickly. However, the discomfort can last for days if you continue with your current lifestyle and diet. If you have noticed that specific foods or beverages trigger heartburn, you should regulate your diet and avoid these eatables as much as you can. Alcohol, chocolate, coffee, citrus fruits, sodas, greasy foods, fatty or fried foods, etc., can cause heartburn so, avoid them.

Now, let’s take a look at 15 home remedies that can help you get rid of heartburn.

1. Avoid Overeating
If you usually eat large meals, cut down on the quantity. Acid reflux, which causes heartburn, increases after meals, and if you overeat, it can add to the problem. So, to prevent the acidic contents of your stomach from going back up into your esophagus, stop overindulging during meals. It can weaken the muscles around it and render them dysfunctional in some cases.

2. Lose Weight
One of the causes of acid reflux is excessive abdominal pressure. Losing belly fat may help alleviate some of your symptoms. When you have too much belly fat, the weight on your abdomen can become so high that the lower esophageal sphincter gets pushed upward, away from the support of the diaphragm. Hiatus hernia is the medical term for this condition.

3. Adopt A Low-Card Diet
Poor carb digestion and bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine may cause acid reflux. Low-carb diets appear to be an effective treatment, but more research is required.

4. Limit Alcohol Intake
Excessive alcohol consumption can aggravate acid reflux symptoms. If you suffer from heartburn, limiting your alcohol consumption may help alleviate some of your symptoms.

5. Reduce Caffeine Intake
Coffee has been shown in studies to temporarily weaken the lower esophageal sphincter, increasing the risk of acid reflux. Coffee consumption may worsen acid reflux depending on the individual. If coffee causes heartburn, avoid it or limit your consumption.

6. Chew Gum
Chewing gum has been shown in a few studies to reduce acidity in the esophagus. Chewing gum stimulates saliva production and aids in stomach acid removal from the esophagus, preventing heartburn.

7. Avoid Eating Raw Onion
In one study, eating a meal containing raw onion increased heartburn, acid reflux, and belching in people who had acid reflux. Raw onions may also irritate the lining of the esophagus, exacerbating heartburn. Whatever the reason, if you believe that eating raw onion aggravates your symptoms, you should avoid it.

8. Limit Intake Of Carbonated Beverages
Carbonated beverages increase the frequency of belching temporarily, which may promote acid reflux and heartburn. If they aggravate your symptoms, try drinking less or avoiding them entirely.

9. Limit Citrus Juice Intake
While citrus juice is unlikely to cause acid reflux, it may temporarily aggravate heartburn. The majority of acid reflux patients report that drinking citrus juice aggravates their symptoms. Citrus juice, according to researchers, irritates the lining of the esophagus.

10. Eat Less Of Chocolate
There is little evidence that chocolate aggravates reflux symptoms. A few studies indicate that it may, but more research is needed.

11. Eat Less Of Mint
High doses of spearmint may aggravate acid reflux symptoms by irritating the lining of the esophagus. If you find that mint aggravates your heartburn, avoid it.

12. Elevate The Head Of Your Bed
Some people experience nighttime heartburn. It may interfere with their sleep quality and make falling asleep difficult. According to one study, patients who raised the head of their bed experienced significantly fewer reflux episodes and symptoms.

13. Avoid Eating Three Hours Before Bedtime
People who suffer from acid reflux get advised to avoid eating three hours before going to bed. Observational studies suggest that eating close to bedtime may aggravate nighttime heartburn. However, the evidence is inconclusive, and more research is required.

14. Wear Loose Clothing
Heartburn occurs when stomach contents rise into your esophagus, where stomach acids can burn the tissue. In some cases, heartburn may occur as a result of tight clothing compressing your stomach. If that’s the case, the first thing you should do is loosen your belt – or your pants, dress, or whatever else is keeping you in place.

15. Don’t Sleep On Your Right Side
Several studies have found that sleeping on your right side can aggravate nighttime heartburn. Stomach acid covers the lower esophageal sphincter when you lie on your right side. It raises the possibility of acid leaking through it and causing reflux.

Medications For Heartburn

Heartburn can be relieved by a variety of over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications. Your doctor or pharmacist can assist you in determining which one is best for you.

If your heartburn isn’t improving, your medications are causing side effects you can’t handle, or you have other complications, you may require surgery. However, it is uncommon to require surgery for heartburn.

Let us take a look at some of the medications for heartburn that may give you relief.

1. Antacids
Use an antacid containing calcium carbonate or magnesium to relieve occasional, mild heartburn. Antacids aid in the removal of stomach acid. Some may get used to prevent acid reflux. Those containing magnesium may also aid in the healing of stomach ulcers. They are available in liquids and pills, and they work quickly.

2. Blockers
H2 blockers relieve and prevent occasional heartburn by lowering the amount of acid produced by your stomach. They do not work as quickly as antacids, but their effects last longer. Your doctor may advise you to take an antacid and an H2 blocker at the same time. However, talk to your doctor if you take other medicines and need to take H2 blockers as well to ensure they don’t interfere with your stomach.

3. Proton-Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)
PPIs get used to treating heartburn that occurs more than twice a week. They work by reducing the amount of acid produced by your stomach. They frequently outperform H2 blockers. You can also take these medications for an extended period than H2 blockers.

Note: Do not take any medications before consulting your doctor to avoid any hassles.


When heartburn strikes, many over-the-counter medications, home remedies, and lifestyle changes can help. Making changes to your daily routine can also help prevent heartburn symptoms from arising in the first place. Consult your doctor if you experience heartburn more than twice or three times per week. They may prescribe medications or other treatments in some cases.

If you believe the problem persists, you can contact Aims Healthcare’s Home Visit Doctor in Dubai. You can subscribe to our service any time of the day, 365 days a year, and round-the-clock. The DHA-licensed doctors and practitioners affiliated with us make sure you get the best possible treatment in the comfort of your home, office, or hotel. If you wish to opt for personalized medical care, comprehensive diagnosis, treatment, and after-care therapy exclusively at your doorstep – contact us at +971 505 136 505.

Aims Healthcare

Aims Healthcare intertwines superior medical practices with accessibility of highly qualified medical professionals to yield exceptional patient care and clinical outcomes. We take medical care one step further by providing first-rate home healthcare and doctor-on-call services at your doorstep. We are available any time of day for you and every member of your family.

How To Do Physiotherapy At Home For Back Pain

Fix Your Back Pain At Home With 10 Physiotherapy Exercises

How To Do Physiotherapy At Home For Back Pain?

Back pain can turn a seemingly beautiful day into a state of despair. While it isn’t uncommon, you should ensure that your back pain doesn’t aggravate. Earlier practice was to rest yourself until it heals but, today, the advancement in physiotherapy and other significant branches of medicine, continuing with your daily routine, including exercising, is encouraged.

Although you might need expert help if you have severe back pain, in case of mild pain and symptoms, you can get physiotherapy at home itself. You can seek the assistance of a certified and qualified physiotherapist who may advise on a physical exercise routine every day. It will not only help cure the pain but may also prevent its recurrence.

Here you will learn about specific physiotherapy exercises you can do at home to reduce back pain. Make sure you do not go overboard with these exercises and only perform them under expert guidance.

10 Physiotherapy Exercises At Home To Reduce Back Pain

Before you proceed with physical exercise of any kind, speak with an expert physical therapist for an accurate diagnosis of your back pain problem. Once you have a proper diagnosis, performing the correct exercises is of the essence. Like any other day, warm-up and cool-down exercises are equally important.

Now, let’s take a look at these exercises that you can do every day in the comfort of your home that will help mobilize your back and strengthen your back muscles and core, and improve your posture as well.

1. The Leg Roll
The leg roll is a brilliant warm-up exercise wherein you have to lie down on your back, bend your knees together, with your feet on the ground. Move your knees side to side, as far down as you can, without causing extra pain. You can perform this exercise for at least a minute.

2. The Pelvic Tilt
The pelvic tilt exercise works well in strengthening your lower back muscles. Here, you have to lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart and firm on the ground. Keep your upper body relaxed and gently flatten your lower back and contract the muscles of your stomach. Next, tilt your pelvis towards your heels until an arch gets formed in your lower back, hold it in that position for 2-3 seconds, and return to the starting position. You can repeat this exercise 10 times or as advised by your physical therapist.

3. The Knee-to-Chest Exercise
This exercise routine helps stretch the back, hip, and pelvis. You have to lie down on your back and bring one knee up to your chest at a time and hold it in that position for about 2 seconds. Repeat the same with the other knee. Breathing correctly throughout your exercise routine is essential. You can repeat this exercise at least five times or as advised by your physical therapist. How To Cure Shortness Of Breath At Home

4. The Bridge
The shoulder bridge helps strengthen your lower back and spine, provided you do the exercise correctly. You have to lie down on your back with the arms on your side and knees bent together. Next, squeeze your stomach muscles and flatten the back, squeeze your glutes or bottom, and gently lift off the ground to form an arch. Stay in that position for at least 2-3 seconds or as advised and then slowly come back to the original pose. You can repeat this routine at least five times or again, as directed by the doctor.

5. The Cat or Cow
In this exercise routine, you have to be on all fours. Keep your hands under your shoulders and your knees in line with your hips. Next, round your back while breathing easy. Come back to the original position and repeat this routine at least five times or as advised by your physical therapist.

6. The Bird Dog
Again, in this exercise routine, you need to be on all fours. Keep your hands and your knees directly in line with your shoulders and hips, respectively. Breathe in and extend one leg and opposite arm in line with your spine; hold on for 4-5 seconds. Repeat this with alternate leg and arm.

7. The Back Stretch
Here, kneel on all fours with your spine in a neutral position. Now, take your backside towards your heels, with your arms stretched out front, and hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Make sure this exercise routine is approved by your physiotherapist beforehand.

8. The Leg Stretch
Lie on your back with your feet straight. Next, raise your right foot up and gently bring it towards your chest, keeping your other leg straight until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Repeat the same with the alternate leg.

9. The Toe Touch
Stand up straight with your arms stretched overhead and then bend forward slowly to touch your toes. Repeat this gently at least ten times.

10. The Child’s Pose
An easy exercise to perform, in the child’s pose, you have to kneel and sit on your heels with your arms extended ahead. You can then rest your head on the floor and hold the position for 10-20 seconds.


All of these exercises, designed to relieve you of your back pain, also help in improving your posture and strengthening your muscles to avoid future such occurrences. However, getting proper assistance from your physiotherapist is paramount before you perform any of the exercises at home. The cause of back pain differs for every individual, and therefore, accurate diagnosis and examination deems essential in every case.

Therefore, essentially, you need to find a center that caters to all the physiotherapy services. And if you find such a service that provides physiotherapy at home, it is an added advantage. How? Well, there are plenty of benefits of availing of physiotherapy services, and they include comfort and savings on both travel time and money.

Further Reading: Benefits of Getting Physiotherapy at Home

The process of recovery for any ailment, including back pain, or shoulder pain requires expert guidance and treatment. Aims Healthcare offers several physiotherapy treatments at home in Dubai. Highly qualified physiotherapists provide physical therapy at home for recovery from surgeries, disabilities, stroke, injuries, weakness, and disorders.  Therefore, if you wish to avail of the Physiotherapy-at-Home services in Dubai, get in touch at +971 505 136 505 or fill contact form for more information.

Aims Healthcare

Aims Healthcare intertwines superior medical practices with accessibility of highly qualified medical professionals to yield exceptional patient care and clinical outcomes. We take medical care one step further by providing first-rate home healthcare and doctor-on-call services at your doorstep. We are available any time of day for you and every member of your family.

Physiotherapy At Home All You Need To Know

Everything You Need To Know About Physiotherapy At Home

Physiotherapy At Home Service

Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession aiding in mobility and movement that helps people maintain, restore, and maximize their strength, function, and overall well being. An understanding of the body and how it works help physiotherapists come up with the best treatment methods for a specific ailment. More often than not, say after an accident or recovery from an illness, you will find your body to be weak. In such cases, driving to and from the hospital every time you have an appointment with a physiotherapist can get cumbersome. You can alternatively schedule an appointment with a physiotherapist that allows you to seek treatment services in the comfort of your home. Usually, physiotherapy at home services helps in faster rehabilitation and recovery. In the end, the ultimate aim of physiotherapy is to work with the patient in the healing process and also promote health and fitness. Understanding the importance of physiotherapy is paramount. That said, today, you can also learn more about the benefits of at-home physiotherapy services and why you should choose such a service.

What Does Physiotherapy At Home Offer You?

The top benefit of physiotherapy-at-home is an unwavering focus on the patients’ needs and the ability of the physiotherapist to assess, diagnose, and formulate a customized plan for each patient, depending on their condition. Most at-home physiotherapy services offer the following treatments:

  • Orthopedic and sports injuries
  • Back and neck pain
  • Joint pain
  • Post-surgery recovery
  • Elderly care
  • Specialty care

You will also find at-home physiotherapy services for cardiac conditions and neurological issues.

Read: Enhancing Healing With Physiotherapy At Home

How Does Physiotherapy At Home Work?

In most cases, at-home physiotherapists get assigned via the doctors’ recommendation. However, many healthcare centers across the globe offer physiotherapy-at-home services that involve the following steps:

  1. Once you schedule an appointment with the physiotherapist, on the first day, he/she will conduct a detailed initial assessment, post which you will receive a customized treatment plan.
  2. In the following appointments, the physiotherapist will conduct rehabilitation sessions that range from 45 minutes to an hour based on the patients’ condition.
  3. Most at-home physiotherapy services offer weekly or monthly packages, and you can choose one that suits your requirements.
  4. Also, scheduling an appointment is left at your behest so you can pick a time slot that’s convenient for you.

Benefits of Physiotherapy Treatment At Home

At-home physiotherapy treatment holds multiple benefits, of which saving on travel time and money are two of the most vital aspects. Apart from these, the advantages of choosing to book physiotherapy services in the comfort of your home include:

  1. Benefits other than physical problems – Other than at-home physical therapy, physiotherapists aid in getting rid of breathing problems, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s disease as well.
  2. Safety – Making the home environment safer by offering risk assessment is another part of the physiotherapists’ job if providing physical therapy services at home.
  3. Customized treatment plans – Getting back to your usual routine requires you to follow set guidelines established by your physiotherapist. The customized treatment plans and therapy in your most favored environment – your home – can help you regain independence and confidence.
  4. Personalized attention – The physiotherapists’ time and attention are focused on one person at one time. This service enables faster rehabilitation through effective treatment methods.
  5. Time management – Once you opt for at-home physiotherapy services, you can plan and schedule your physiotherapy sessions at your own time.

Availing of physiotherapy treatment at home is convenient and opted for by many patients today. You get offered plenty of benefits that come with choosing at-home physical therapy sessions, of which you can learn more about right here 9 benefits of getting physiotherapy at home.

How Do You Find The Right Physiotherapy-at-Home Service?

Finding the right service requires good research and a proper understanding of your physiotherapy needs. Once aware of your requirements, you need to also focus on the following pointers to make sure you get the possible physiotherapy treatment for your problem.

  1. Doctors associated with the center – Check the list of doctors connected with the healthcare center or hospital along with their experience and record (including qualifications and degree) before scheduling your in-home physiotherapy session.
  2. Easy contact and accessibility – You need to make sure that the service you opt for is easily contactable and accessible without going through multiple steps.
  3. Availability – Choose a healthcare center that offers you the availability of physiotherapists and doctors 24*7 and 365 days. It is an essential point as you never know when the need for either arises.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness – Compare visitation charges and other miscellaneous costs to pick the most feasible option for you. At-home physiotherapy services save you traveling costs and medical bills, but make sure you choose a value-added service.
  5. Expertise – Depending on your condition, you need to find a well-qualified physical therapist to treat your problem. Therefore, you need to ensure that the one assigned to you or listed with the service has expertise in the particular field and can offer the best treatment.

These tips will help you find the right physiotherapy-at-home service for you or your loved ones.

How Do Physiotherapy At Home Services Charge?

The cost of at-home physiotherapy services varies. It depends on the duration of each session and the criticality of the problem. Either way, at-home physical therapy provides good value for money and effective results. Therefore, if you wish to receive physiotherapy treatment at home, you can opt for such a service with reputed healthcare centers or hospitals.

The Bottom Line

After an injury or illness, the healing process plays a pivotal role in the extent of recovery. Physical therapy or physiotherapy, therefore, aids in the healing process with different treatment methods and physical exercises that ensure complete recovery. If you were to receive physiotherapy treatment in the comfort of your home, it only assists in the recovery stage and sometimes helps in faster rehabilitation. Aims Healthcare offers several physiotherapy at home in Dubai. The physiotherapists are highly qualified and provide physical therapy at home for recovery from surgeries, disabilities, stroke, injuries, weakness, and disorders. So, if you wish to avail of the Physiotherapy-at-Home services in Dubai, and other medical assistance of Aims Healthcare, get in touch at +971 50 513 6505 or fill up enquiry form.

Aims Healthcare

Aims Healthcare intertwines superior medical practices with accessibility of highly qualified medical professionals to yield exceptional patient care and clinical outcomes. We take medical care one step further by providing first-rate home healthcare and doctor-on-call services at your doorstep. We are available any time of day for you and every member of your family.

Benefits Of Getting Physiotherapy At Home

Benefits of Getting Physiotherapy at Home

Often Physiotherapy is seen as something that can only be accessed if people can make it to the clinic. Well, that is partly true. However, today, most physiotherapy services can be easily carried out at a person’s home.

Physiotherapy Treatment at Home

Home-based physiotherapy may be of great help to those with mobility problems or long-term conditions that affect mobility. Physical therapy has proven to be an effective form of treatment for muscle pain, shoulder pain, joint injuries, arthritis, mobility issues, and even respiratory problems, like cystic fibrosis. Physiotherapy at home can be especially helpful if people are having difficulty in day-to-day activities. If you have basic mobility issues while walking, climbing stairs, or getting in and out of bed, Physiotherapy sessions can also be of great help. Also, it assists people who have had a fall, suffer from balance problems, or had a recent operation which has impacted on their mobility.

9 Benefits of Getting Physiotherapy Treatment at Home

Physiotherapy can help with the most painful musculoskeletal conditions. Physiotherapy aims to reduce pain and help you return to whichever activities you are struggling with (for example, work, chores, or sport). There are several therapies used in treatments including electrotherapy techniques, manual therapy procedures, or different sorts of exercise programs. Physiotherapy treatments also include joint mobilization techniques, muscle stretching, massage, and taping or trigger point therapy. Availing physiotherapy at home is quite normal nowadays. It is particularly useful in situations in which the condition of the patient is quite serious or mobility is restricted. In such situations, the physiotherapist visits the home of the patient for diagnosis and treatment. Everything, starting from consultation to discussing the objectives of treatment, to the actual physiotherapy treatment process, everything can be carried out in your home.

There are 9 benefits when it comes to receiving physiotherapy treatment at home

1. Assistance beyond physical problems
It is not only physical problems that can benefit from physiotherapy treatment. It can also help those with breathing problems such as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Alzheimer’s disease, or Parkinson’s disease. With tailored and supervised exercise routines, a patient’s health is drastically improved and shows a slowdown in the progression of long-term conditions.

2. Avoid the traffic woes
If you are a resident of Dubai, where we are based, a trip to the clinic can mean sitting in the car for longer than at the doctor. If you are in pain, the journey can be challenging , to say the least. Even if you do reach the clinic, the journey back home can even undo some of the benefits from the session you just completed. So, when a physiotherapist visits your home, you can take the full benefit of the treatment, being relaxed in the comfort of your home.

3. Home safety
Physiotherapy sessions at home can help provide risk assessment and advice to make the home environment safer. We can also provide ergonomic advice to help make daily tasks easier to do. Sometimes something as simple as having someone present to increase confidence around, getting out and about outdoors can be life-changing and help boost confidence.

4. Regain independence
While some patients require intensive, in-home physical therapy, others require short-term assistance getting back to their normal routines. Home visit physiotherapists provide skilled services to help patients resume their typical, everyday lives and regain their independence. Based on the patient’s specific condition and personal goals, physiotherapists, caregivers, and the patient’s doctor can develop a customized treatment plan.

5. Administration on techniques
Various hands-on treatments can also be administered in the home including massage and joint mobilizations which may be part of recovery. Visits are fitted around the individual and family member(s) can be present as often their input and help act as a helping hand. In some cases, physiotherapists can help teach techniques that will help the patient’s  recovery or ongoing maintenance.

6. Time management
At times, it is difficult to keep up with the schedule of the physiotherapist. People miss out on experts and their treatments due to non-flexible schedules. This obstacle can be very well addressed through home physiotherapy treatment. You can manage your routine and also get highly effective treatments by planning sessions according to your schedules and routine.

7. Personal attention
When you are home, you have your people around to help keep you feeling motivated. At the same time, the physiotherapist will provide you with personal attention and encourage you to share your concern without any hesitation. This communication and attention will result in speedy health recovery. All in all, the effectiveness of the treatment yields better chances of faster recovery.

8. Safe for high-risk patients
Some individuals are unable to participate in physiotherapy in offices or hospitals. These individuals include those who have a high-risk of being infected in public places and those who suffer from one disability or the other. At home, you can be sure that you are entirely safe. You can speed up your recovery without any worries.

9. Improving balance
If someone is at a high-risk for falls, the therapists will mention exercises that carefully and safely administer balance. Therapists help with exercises to improve coordination and recommend assistive devices to help with walking. If the balance problem persists, physiotherapists can perform specific maneuvers that help in quick restoration of proper functioning. Physiotherapy at home helps a person recover lost movement following injury or disability. Under a physiotherapist’s guidance, the patient is actively involved in their recovery plan. It’s 100% teamwork. So, if you are suffering from back pain or neck pain, then how can you tackle these issues? Well, it is very simple as you can simply sign up for Aims Healthcare’s physiotherapy at home consultation at your convenience. Our physiotherapists provide physical therapy at home or hotels for recovery from surgeries, disabilities, stroke, injuries, weakness, and disorders. Call us @ +971 505 136 505 for more details.

Aims Healthcare

Aims Healthcare intertwines superior medical practices with accessibility of highly qualified medical professionals to yield exceptional patient care and clinical outcomes. We take medical care one step further by providing first-rate home healthcare and doctor-on-call services at your doorstep. We are available any time of day for you and every member of your family.