Home Remedy For Sprained Ankle Pain

Sprained Ankle – Overview

Ankle pain gets defined as any pain or discomfort that affects any part of the ankle. Ankle pain usually improves with at-home treatments like rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain relievers. You can go for a physical therapy program, which can help you strengthen your muscles and avoid injury in the future. More severe pain gets treated with braces and splits, injections, and surgery.

A sprain is an injury to your ankle joint’s ligaments, which are elastic, band-like structures, which hold your ankle joint’s bones together and prevent excessive turning and twisting of the joints. Your doctor may order X-rays or other imaging studies to confirm that you have not broken any bones to diagnose a sprained ankle.

The treatment for an ankle sprain gets determined by the severity of the injury. While there are several self-care options and over-the-counter medications available, you need to go for a medical evaluation to determine the extent of the damage. The ultimate goal of sprained ankle treatment is to reduce swelling and pain, promote healing, and restore normal ankle function. In this article, you will learn more about natural remedies and self-care measures, which will relieve your ankle pain.

For more on the symptoms, treatment, and recovery time for a sprained ankle, browse through the linked article below.

Related Blog: Sprained Ankle: Symptoms, Treatment, Recovery Time & More

10 Easy Home Remedies For Sprained Ankle Pain

Most ankle pain improves with rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain relievers. Follow your doctor’s instructions for at-home ankle pain treatments. Your doctor may advise you to use the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). If your ankle still hurts after a few days of at-home care, see your doctor right away. While most ankle injuries can get treated at home, some more grave injuries may necessitate surgery. Treatment gets determined by the source of the ankle pain. Therefore, you need the doctor to diagnose and aid in the treatment of an ankle sprain.

Anyone who believes they have sprained an ankle should seek immediate medical attention. Avoid putting any weight on the ankle as this increases the likelihood of broken bones and other injuries. To reduce swelling, sit in a comfortable position with your ankle elevated. Ankle sprains are tricky to diagnose based solely on symptoms. As a result, you should consult a doctor first. Once they determine that the injury is mild, you can treat the ankle sprain with some natural remedies.

Here are a few quickest home remedies for a sprained ankle:

1. R.I.C.E Method
RICE is an acronym that stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Doctors frequently recommend this method to reduce swelling and inflammation in the days following an injury.

  • Resting the ankle is essential for healing, and wearing a brace can stabilize the injured area. Returning to sports or other activities too soon increases the risk of another injury.
  • Using an ice pack may help to reduce blood flow to the injury, thereby reducing pain and swelling. If ice does not relieve your symptoms, try another treatment.
  • Compression aids in the stabilization of the injured joint and may reduce swelling. Wrap a bandage around the injured ankle if possible. The compress should fit snugly but not so tightly that it digs into the skin, causes pain, or causes numbness.
  • Elevating a sprained ankle reduces fluid buildup in the joint. It can help reduce pain by reducing swelling. Sleep with your foot and ankle propped up on pillows at a higher level than your heart. When sitting or sleeping, use support to elevate the foot and ankle.


2. Heat
Heat stimulates blood flow to an injured area, which can hasten to heal. Some people also find it helpful to relax tight muscles and relieve pain and tension.

On the other hand, you should avoid heat while the ankle remains still swollen, as it can increase inflammation and slow healing. When the swelling has subsided, apply a heat pack for 15-20 minutes at a time. Alternating heat and ice packs provide relief for some people. Try this only after the swelling has subsided, not immediately after the injury.

3. Stretching
An ankle injury puts nearby muscles and other structures at risk of injury. It is especially likely if the tissues have weakened as a result of disuse. Stretching keeps the muscles limber and strong. It also increases blood circulation to the area, which may aid in the healing of the ankle.

Stretch the ankle gently by moving it in all directions at least three times per day. Experiment with flexing your foot forward and then backward, or rolling it clockwise and then counterclockwise. However, it is critical not to overextend the ankle or move it in any direction that causes pain.

4. Walking
The pain and swelling that occur immediately after an ankle sprain can be excruciating. It can prevent a person from putting any weight on the joint. Walking can help with healing as the swelling subsides. Begin by walking short distances around the house. Then, as the ankle heals, gradually increase the distance traveled.

Walking may also necessitate holding the injured ankle in an unusual position or twisting the body to avoid putting too much weight on the joint. If this is the case, wait 1–2 days before attempting again.

5. Exercise
Exercise can help to restore strength and balance while also preventing muscle weakness in the affected area. It may reduce the likelihood of another sprain. You can begin exercising the ankle when the swelling has subsided and now walking is no longer painful. Every other day, you can try exercising for 10-15 minutes.

6. Massage
Massage can help to relieve pain while also increasing blood flow to the sprained area. If the injury is particularly severe or painful, you should consult a qualified massage therapist. You can try a gentle massage at home for less severe injuries. Some people find relief by massaging the bottom of their foot or heel. You might prefer to get a massage just above or around the ankle. If getting a massage in the affected area causes pain or worsens symptoms, you should stop it.

7. Physical Therapy
If you suffer from long-term pain due to a severe sprain or have a history of similar injuries, you may benefit from physical therapy. A physical therapist will examine your ankle to identify weak muscles and other issues that can cause pain and increase the risk of injury. They will also inquire about your current lifestyle, including any sports participation. The physical therapist or physiotherapist will use this information to develop a personalized exercise plan that promotes healing and relieves pain.

8. Epsom Salt
After a few days, you can soak your ankle in warm water laced with Epsom salt. The salt relaxes stiff joints and soothes sore muscles and tissues. You should avoid using this technique in the early stages of an injury because cold methods are required to treat ankle inflammation and swelling.


9. Natural Ankle Remedies
You can find a good home treatment for a sprained ankle using items you already have around the house. Numerous natural products can help with inflammation and swelling reduction. Check your pantry for garlic, turmeric, olive oil, or castor oil. Then, warm these ingredients, apply them to the injury site, and wrap them in a bandage for a few hours.


10. Supportive Footwear
Make sure your shoes provide good enough foot and ankle support. Avoid wearing flip-flops, sandals, or shoes that are too big. When participating in sports, it is all the more essential to wear appropriate footwear. Basketball and volleyball are two sports that can cause ankle injuries if you don’t wear the proper footwear.

These home remedies for sprained ankle can reduce pain tremendously if you do it right. If they do not seem to work, you need to consult a doctor at the earliest to gauge the extent of your injury and seek appropriate treatment.

When to See A Doctor?

A common misconception holds that a doctor can do nothing to treat a sprain. Sprains, for the most part, do not require casts and often heal on their own. Some studies, however, recommend that anyone who suspects they have a sprain see a doctor. They could have been misdiagnosed and have a different injury that necessitates treatment, or they could have additional damage, such as broken bones, which is prevalent.

A doctor can also determine the severity of the sprain. Particularly severe sprains may necessitate surgery, physical therapy, and other long-term treatments. Delaying medical attention can cause rehabilitation to get delayed. If the pain is mild and you prefer to treat yourself at home, you can wait a day or two. However, you should see a doctor if the swelling does not go down or if the pain worsens.


Common injuries and medical conditions such as arthritis, gout, or nerve damage, can cause an ankle sprain. For 1 to 2 weeks, swelling and bruising are constant sources of discomfort. For the first few days, try to rest, elevate your foot, and ice your ankle three to five times per day. OTC medications may also provide some relief.

Sprains are usually prevalent and typically heal on their own. Severe sprains that completely sever the ligament, on the other hand, may necessitate months of healing and, in some cases, surgery. Ideally, you must not ignore the pain of an ankle sprain or assume that you cannot do anything about it. Prompt treatment can hasten recovery while also lowering the risk of a chronic or secondary injury. If the pain persists, see a doctor to discuss all of your options, ranging from special ankle braces and shoes to surgery.

Rehabilitation of your sprained ankle requires proper physiotherapy. If you have sprained your ankle, you can avail of Aims Healthcare Physiotherapy at Home in Dubai service for a tailor-made care plan. The highly qualified, DHA-licensed physiotherapists create a customized treatment plan for you and offer support 24×7, 365 days. Therefore, if you wish to avail yourself of the Physiotherapy-at-Home services in Dubai, Get in touch at at +971 458 26 555 or fill out the contact form for more information.

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